Executive Summary

  • Our founder Kazu, aka, the “father of the werewolf game” released a werewolf game app back in 2011 which has 10M downloads and 1.4M MAU.

  • Kazu holds the trademark license for Werewolf/Jinroh Game

  • Werewolf game has great synergies with Animes/IPs. Kazu has collaborated with numerous IPs in the past.

  • The project is invetsed and supported by Japanese top-tier Crypto influencers

  • The Werewolf game is popular all over the world with similar rules but different names. (i.g, Mafia game, Les Loups-garous, AmongUs, etc) hence, easy to market and acquire users.

  • The game is popular among Youtubers as the game itself is fun to watch by audience.

  • We have already raised 2.5M USD all by angel investors so far.

  • We will be releasing a number of mini NFT games before the main game release.

  • Our main game, WOLF-FLOW will be a web2 game in the initial phase in order to provide easy access to non-crypto users. In the future, we will deploy the game onto the blockchain and add more utilities of the WLF token.

Last updated